Sunday, March 31, 2024

Grow in your own time

picture - Pinterest

Hey hello hi I am hoping that the person reading this is doing well:) 
Growing up, the reason I chose this topic is I feel like not much people talk about the struggles as a teen we have to go through. 
Ever since we are born we are expected to be the best version of ourselves, be it in curricular activities or extra curricular activities. In the midst of these we never really get chance to actually enjoy this process of life. We are so busy in being the yk "scholar" of the family we forget to appreciate the same things that actually make a lot of changes in our life. Well here we can't blame ourselves we are actually shaped like this from childhood.
I'm sure at some point of time you have faced comparisons be it with your friend, cousin or your siblings. And that hurts like bitch. 
I genuinely believe not every parent is like that but there are few people who indirectly make comparisons obviously they don't know they are comparing you but that actually hurts more. 
Okay let's talk about the "scholar" theory we all might have faced at some point of time. You know the worst part of growing up is we never realise how much we or we are made to run behind marks like sheeps with the saying that you need to fasten your pace or you'll be way behind them. Sadly everyone fail to recognise that we are human too. Amidst this pressure many comes out stronger and many loose their will to live in this cruel world.
Growing up is hard very hard and confusing. It takes so much to understand what actually we want in life. But seriously what do you even expect from a teen from not caring about anything you suddenly expect them to make their own decisions in this cruel world where people are cruelest beings.
Growing up is saving every penny possible we used to spend on buying a simple snack that used to give a lot of happiness. 
Yeah we actually forget to find what actually is real happiness and what actually is pretending to be happy.
I'm going through this phase of life and I am not going to lie this sudden pressure of responsibilities is something I personally wish we were actually prepared for. 
Growing up is challenging, very challenging but the joy of helping our parents even with some petty tasks just overshadows everything. 
If you are going through this too I'm just going to say, Mate you got this! Please don't let anything become an obstacle in improving yourself because at the end of the day when someone ask you "What actually are you capable of doing?" You should have a bloody answer because these small small reality checks hurts a lot. And yeah while growing up please don't forget that you are human too you too need a break from all these shits.
We are in this together. 

I think I said everything I wanted to say today. This is from my heart the thoughts I've been keeping in from a long time.
Much much much love to you.
Until next time. <3

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