Saturday, March 2, 2024

Mental Health matters

picture- Pinterest !💙

In today's fast-paced world, we often tend to ignore our mental health amidst the chaos of our daily life. However prioritizing mental health is very important for our external as well as internal wellness. Today let's talk about various aspects of mental health and some strategies to cope with our mental wellness. I'll be very honest here the no. of blogs I've read on mental health or mental wellness is .err.. a bit concerning too and I'm here writing this when I myself struggle with it a lot if I may include, but let's try to cope up with it together 

Before talking about what actually mental health is and how it affects our external and internal wellbeing.
According to WHO " Mental health is a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community. "
In simple words mental wellness is wellness of our mind to keep ourselves sane in this world. It is an integral component of health and well-being that underpins our individual and collective abilities to make decisions, build relationships and shape the world we live in. 
Mental wellness is crucial to keep our internal and external body healthy. Internally mental stability improves our thinking, improves our body functioning and externally it simply makes us look happy, fresh and not like a zombie maintaining a facade of  happiness.

Life throws tons of challenges our way, having effective coping mechanisms is simply chef's kiss. Whether it is practicing mindfulness, seeking assistance or doing what makes us happy.

What I've noticed is that people tend to suffer alone, being mentally unwell is not a shame, seeking help from your loved ones doesn't make you look weak it's just the "society norms" that makes mental unwell-ness a psychological disease which surely it isn't. Please don't suffer alone, reach out to your loved ones , you are okay just need someone to talk to, you can reach out to me too . 

Yeah self care is not just about face masks, hair masks, nail appointments, bubble baths. It's about prioritizing mental and emotional wellbeing. Being around people that genuinely make you feel loved , cutting off negative energy around you. Company of people you spend your time with also plays a very important role in your mental and emotional wellbeing. Distancing yourself from people that makes you feel low is not being selfish or stupid, its just priorities. Surround yourself with happiness minus negativity multiplying dopamine multiplying mental wellness.

Our mental health and body is deeply intertwined with each other. Doing exercise, eating nutritious food, setting boundaries, challenging yourself. It not only make you physically stronger but also make you mentally strong.

Now this is something we tend to focus the most. Perfectionism can take a toll on our mental health and we often feel insecure of ourselves. Hear me out, No one in this world is perfect, unless you are god, it's just a way of thinking, we often underestimate ourselves, embracing all those imperfections that were the reason of our insecurity, anxiety. Practicing self-compassion and letting go of unrealistic standards set by the society in which we often try to fit in which unconsciously lead to overthinking and feeling confident of ourselves, boost our mental health in very strong way.

We've all been through something horrible in our lives, be it heartbreaks, losing our loved ones, breakups and more, that makes us take a step back from ourselves. We try to make it not affect and us but it does, certainly to a great extend that we only think about it and taking our mental health on ventilator. It's not easy I most definitely agree but its not impossible. Which brings us to the last topic of today's blog, Emphasizing the importance of self- reflection, moving forward and letting go or having a much needed closure. It's just difficult but not impossible.

And here we are, ending this with a last thing I would like you to know-
Prioritising Mental health  is not a luxury but a need in today's world. By embracing, prioritising, nurturing and most importantly understanding our mental health is not being selfish it's just giving importance to ourselves. Remember you are not alone in this journey, we are in this together.

Much love to you 
Until Next Time 
Have beautiful day/night ahead <3
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