Sunday, March 31, 2024

Grow in your own time

picture - Pinterest

Hey hello hi I am hoping that the person reading this is doing well:) 
Growing up, the reason I chose this topic is I feel like not much people talk about the struggles as a teen we have to go through. 
Ever since we are born we are expected to be the best version of ourselves, be it in curricular activities or extra curricular activities. In the midst of these we never really get chance to actually enjoy this process of life. We are so busy in being the yk "scholar" of the family we forget to appreciate the same things that actually make a lot of changes in our life. Well here we can't blame ourselves we are actually shaped like this from childhood.
I'm sure at some point of time you have faced comparisons be it with your friend, cousin or your siblings. And that hurts like bitch. 
I genuinely believe not every parent is like that but there are few people who indirectly make comparisons obviously they don't know they are comparing you but that actually hurts more. 
Okay let's talk about the "scholar" theory we all might have faced at some point of time. You know the worst part of growing up is we never realise how much we or we are made to run behind marks like sheeps with the saying that you need to fasten your pace or you'll be way behind them. Sadly everyone fail to recognise that we are human too. Amidst this pressure many comes out stronger and many loose their will to live in this cruel world.
Growing up is hard very hard and confusing. It takes so much to understand what actually we want in life. But seriously what do you even expect from a teen from not caring about anything you suddenly expect them to make their own decisions in this cruel world where people are cruelest beings.
Growing up is saving every penny possible we used to spend on buying a simple snack that used to give a lot of happiness. 
Yeah we actually forget to find what actually is real happiness and what actually is pretending to be happy.
I'm going through this phase of life and I am not going to lie this sudden pressure of responsibilities is something I personally wish we were actually prepared for. 
Growing up is challenging, very challenging but the joy of helping our parents even with some petty tasks just overshadows everything. 
If you are going through this too I'm just going to say, Mate you got this! Please don't let anything become an obstacle in improving yourself because at the end of the day when someone ask you "What actually are you capable of doing?" You should have a bloody answer because these small small reality checks hurts a lot. And yeah while growing up please don't forget that you are human too you too need a break from all these shits.
We are in this together. 

I think I said everything I wanted to say today. This is from my heart the thoughts I've been keeping in from a long time.
Much much much love to you.
Until next time. <3

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Self care isn't selfish

picture- PINTEREST!💙

Hey hello, welcome or welcome back, since we talked about mental health in my previous blog I thought why not talk about self care so here we are Oh also, if you want to check it out the link is :BLOG POST : MENTAL HEALTH . Okay let's get into today's blog post. :D

In the hustle bustle of our busy schedules we just tend to neglect the nourishment and care our body needs to work more effectively and efficiently but again this is something which is simply overlooked over watching a maybe one last episode of a drama on Netflix or maybe lying in the bed scrolling Instagram is a more tempting idea to us ( Cinderella let the shoe fit). 
It is important for us to be physically, mentally and emotionally fit to survive in this harsh world. Let's talk about some practical ways which I've been hearing from almost everyone be it on social media or our grandparents. 

Before finding let's dive in some theoretical knowledge about what actually self care is. For me it simply is a fuel we from time to time need to add in our busy life to survive more. 
According to Google it is - 
Self-care encompasses any activity that we deliberately do to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health. It's about recognizing your own needs and taking steps to meet them. Self-care isn't just about pampering yourself; it's about nurturing yourself from the inside out.
Yeah..let's move on :p

Stress reliever
•Improves physical health
•Boost productivity
•Better relationships

1) Establish a routine
Having a set routine for everything in life plays a vital role. Now this is something being a student you simply can't have or you struggle to keep up with it. Usually for me I just can't follow a set routine. In this case having a to-do list help a lot. Writing every task first thing in morning from a simplest thing to a most important thing, make it realistic. Including a simple morning or evening walk, a 15 minutes meditation session or a 10 minutes book reading or maybe any thing in your to-do list makes a better (I would say)change.

2) Prioritising sleep
This again is something being a student we completely forget about or we simply neglect it, sleeping for 4-5 hours is what we think we need when it is actually half of what actually is needed which directly lead to fatigue or laziness. Sleeping for atleast 6-8 hours is what we actually need after a long day. 
(A pro tip from my grandparents incase you don't know - washing your feet before sleeping tends to help us get more deep and relaxing sleep)

3) Exercise or activities we like
Exercising is a stress buster usually for a lot of people... A 5 minutes walk or a 10 minutes yoga session is enough to be more energetic and stress free in our daily life. Engaging in activities we like can also bring joy and happiness to us be it painting, cycling, gardening, cooking or anything. The mantra is simple - Do what makes you happy and content with life 

4) Proper nourishments
Paying attention to what we eat, okay a disclaimer here I'm not saying that calculating the amount of calories or protein we consume. Having a proper diet, yeah 3 meals a day. Including fruits in our daily life is another fuel we need for yk better functioning. Staying hydrated by drinking atleast 3 litres of water everyday too cures a lot of problems. 

5) Set boundaries
Having positive energy around you is also important. Learn to say no to things that make you feel like trash (human beings included). Having people around you that makes you feel happy and Prioritising self care and peace is what we need to include in our lives. 

In the end honestly I'll just say society makes it look like "a time waste" or "unnecessary tasks" they simply ignore that living a monotonous life is something which leads to unproductivity or laziness. Doing something which makes us happy for just 5 to 10 minutes in that monotonous schedule of our life makes it way more interesting. Let's just not ignore it.Remember, you deserve to prioritize yourself and your needs. So, take a deep breath, slow down, and start incorporating self-care into your daily life today. Your mind, body, and soul will thank you for it. 

Thankyou for reading. I hope this could help you in any way. 
Reviews are always welcomed

Much love to you! 
Until next time <3

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Mental Health matters

picture- Pinterest !💙

In today's fast-paced world, we often tend to ignore our mental health amidst the chaos of our daily life. However prioritizing mental health is very important for our external as well as internal wellness. Today let's talk about various aspects of mental health and some strategies to cope with our mental wellness. I'll be very honest here the no. of blogs I've read on mental health or mental wellness is .err.. a bit concerning too and I'm here writing this when I myself struggle with it a lot if I may include, but let's try to cope up with it together 

Before talking about what actually mental health is and how it affects our external and internal wellbeing.
According to WHO " Mental health is a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community. "
In simple words mental wellness is wellness of our mind to keep ourselves sane in this world. It is an integral component of health and well-being that underpins our individual and collective abilities to make decisions, build relationships and shape the world we live in. 
Mental wellness is crucial to keep our internal and external body healthy. Internally mental stability improves our thinking, improves our body functioning and externally it simply makes us look happy, fresh and not like a zombie maintaining a facade of  happiness.

Life throws tons of challenges our way, having effective coping mechanisms is simply chef's kiss. Whether it is practicing mindfulness, seeking assistance or doing what makes us happy.

What I've noticed is that people tend to suffer alone, being mentally unwell is not a shame, seeking help from your loved ones doesn't make you look weak it's just the "society norms" that makes mental unwell-ness a psychological disease which surely it isn't. Please don't suffer alone, reach out to your loved ones , you are okay just need someone to talk to, you can reach out to me too . 

Yeah self care is not just about face masks, hair masks, nail appointments, bubble baths. It's about prioritizing mental and emotional wellbeing. Being around people that genuinely make you feel loved , cutting off negative energy around you. Company of people you spend your time with also plays a very important role in your mental and emotional wellbeing. Distancing yourself from people that makes you feel low is not being selfish or stupid, its just priorities. Surround yourself with happiness minus negativity multiplying dopamine multiplying mental wellness.

Our mental health and body is deeply intertwined with each other. Doing exercise, eating nutritious food, setting boundaries, challenging yourself. It not only make you physically stronger but also make you mentally strong.

Now this is something we tend to focus the most. Perfectionism can take a toll on our mental health and we often feel insecure of ourselves. Hear me out, No one in this world is perfect, unless you are god, it's just a way of thinking, we often underestimate ourselves, embracing all those imperfections that were the reason of our insecurity, anxiety. Practicing self-compassion and letting go of unrealistic standards set by the society in which we often try to fit in which unconsciously lead to overthinking and feeling confident of ourselves, boost our mental health in very strong way.

We've all been through something horrible in our lives, be it heartbreaks, losing our loved ones, breakups and more, that makes us take a step back from ourselves. We try to make it not affect and us but it does, certainly to a great extend that we only think about it and taking our mental health on ventilator. It's not easy I most definitely agree but its not impossible. Which brings us to the last topic of today's blog, Emphasizing the importance of self- reflection, moving forward and letting go or having a much needed closure. It's just difficult but not impossible.

And here we are, ending this with a last thing I would like you to know-
Prioritising Mental health  is not a luxury but a need in today's world. By embracing, prioritising, nurturing and most importantly understanding our mental health is not being selfish it's just giving importance to ourselves. Remember you are not alone in this journey, we are in this together.

Much love to you 
Until Next Time 
Have beautiful day/night ahead <3
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