Thursday, April 4, 2024

Look up

picture- pinterest


Nephophile- A person who loves sky and the clouds decorating it beautifully.

Dedicated to all the nephophiles who find their solace and peace from that vast blue cast which is beautifully coloured in while cotton balls .

In the vast blue coloured canvas, there exist a realm of beauty and wonder that captivates the heart of many. Among those who find solace and inspiration from the heavens above, there exist a very special breed of people, we call nephophiles . They are the lovers of clouds, the dreamers who find extreme joy and fascination in the ever-changing formations of clouds adoring the beautiful sky. Let's dive in this blogpost and appreciate this beautiful wonder of god and exploring their passion and the profound impact it has on their lives .

•The call of the clouds-

 For nephophiles, clouds are not just masses of condensed water vapour drifting aimlessly in the sky. Instead they are entities with it's unique character and story to tell. From the delicate wisps of feathery clouds to the majestic towers of thunderhead storm, each cloud captivates nephophiles, inviting them to gaze at them in awe. 

• The beauty of impermanence- 

Clouds are always changing. They form, move, disappear, creating a mesmerizing show in the sky. Nephophiles find beauty in this constant change. They see the fleeting moments of a cloud's life as a reminder that nothing lasts forever, just like life itself. Each cloud is different, yet beautiful just like us , different but unique and beautiful in it's own way. 

• Finding inspiration in the sky- 

Many people who love clouds find inspiration in the sky. They might take photos, paste pictures or just enjoy watching it. By sharing their art, pictures, they just help other people to appreciate the beauty of nature and finding joy in little things of life. 

• Connecting with nature - 

Beyond their aesthetic appeal, clouds play a vital role in the Earth's ecosystem, influencing weather patterns, regulating temperatures and sustaining life. People who loves them understand the interconnectedness of all things and feel a beautiful connection with the natural world away from the toxicity of this busy world.

• Embracing the nephophile spirit - 

In the world that often feels chaotic and uncertain, they offer a reminder to pause, look up, take a deep breath and appreciate what you have. Finding joy and happiness in little things of nature can be a reminder to not run behind those materialistic things rather slow down, appreciate what you have. 

Trust me the beauty of nature will never make you feel low instead if you take a moment to appreciate what god gave us you'll find yourself loved, it's very easy to make fun of people who just take few moments to appreciate the beauty of nature. 

It's always take and take when it comes to nature we just need to maintain the ecological cycle. 

Thankyou for reading. 

Much love to you. 

Until next time <3

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Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Get those A's boo

picture - Pinterest

Have you ever felt like everything is just too much? or The pressure society put on you to get those A's or you are just a shame on society is getting out of control?
Being a student can be both a pros and a con.
Let's talk about it's cons coz no one really talk about it 
As per research article of Frontier ( the link of the article ) -  Academic pressure has a direct positive impact on adolescents’ problem behaviour, and parent–child conflict and self-control have a direct mediating effect between academic pressure and adolescents’ problem behaviour.
The pressure a teen face academically or non-academically is automatically affects our mental as well as physical well-being which eventually pushes that person towards depression, procrastination and in the worst case scenario suicide attempts. 
"Being a student is easy, you just have to sit and study." well not for everyone.
It feels horrible when you give your 100% yet you failed to meet your parents, society's expectations. It feels ridiculous when you are compared to someone just because they are academically better and you are few marks behind them. It is the worst feeling when you want someone to appreciate your efforts, tell you that they are proud of you and all you get is "you can do better, you are capable of it".
And as we grow older their expectations keep increasing , making that invisible burden more and more on us. The consequences of it , well anxiety, depression, burnouts, sleep deprivation, self harm ; these words doesn't even exist in their dictionaries.
Parents, educators and society plays a major role in alleviating the pressure on students. They need to understand that students need some appreciations, breaks and probably some time to actually feel like that they are not obligated to do this. 
The academic competition to get those A's and get into a reputed university or score full marks in class , makes the learning process hateful and an obligation for survival .
It's funny how we conduct those educational workshops on how to ace your academic year, how to overcome depression but we never talk about it's root cause i.e. Academic pressure.
It's high time we create awareness in this society before it's too late.

To the students , first of all you are doing very well I truly wish you all the best, keep going ignore everyone who make you feel less about you, coz you are amazing.
Alright I guess, I said what I wanted to say. I truly hope you could relate even a bit to it.Thankyou for reading.
Until Next Time 
Much love to you <3
Feel free to contact me via email if you would like to give some reviews or any advice, I'd like to remind you again I'm not some professional writer, I write what I feel like writing. 

Look up

picture- pinterest   Nephophile - A person who loves sky and the clouds decorating it beautifully. Dedicated to all the nephophiles who find...